Payment methods

Our payment options offer authors flexibility, security, and the convenience of using our services anywhere and anytime. You can choose to pay by credit card or bank transfer.

Pay by credit card

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, and Discover, and have partnered with PayPal for your convenience. The payment gateway available to you will differ depending on your country, and the card you choose to use.

Our secure payment system is PCI/VeriSign–enabled.

Payment methods
paypal image
Visa Mastercard Discover American express Diners club
Safety and Security
Secure DNV

Pay by bank transfer

You can make payments directly into our bank account and email the bank wire transfer receipt to us. We recommend bank wire transfers for payments exceeding $1,000.

How can I make a payment?

Order confirmation

Once you have confirmed your order with us, simply log in to your online account to view your billing amount and make the payment. Your order will be processed as soon as your payment has been made.

Payment process

In your online account, you can choose your preferred payment method:

  • For credit card payments, you will get an option to select the payment gateway and you will be re-directed to a page from where you can enter your credit card details and complete the process.
  • For payments by bank transfer, once you select ‘Bank Transfer’ as your preferred option, you will be able to view all the required information to complete the transfer through your bank.

Payment confirmation

Please allow three working days for the payment confirmation to show in your online account. Once your payment is confirmed, we will generate your e-invoice, which you can view or print from your online account.