Manuscripts can be rejected during peer review because of poor manuscript structure, a weak argument, or other factors that may have been overlooked by authors. If you choose our Pre-Submission Expert Review service, our experts will review your article to identify major reasons for rejection. This means you can address the issues before you submit your article to the journal of your choice. You’ll rapidly receive your review, allowing you to revise your manuscript and still meet publication deadlines.
Our reviewers look at every angle of your research, including study design, reporting of methods, literature review, and data analysis.
Our experts list their suggested revisions in order of importance, allowing you to focus on the most critical issues first.
For every problem identified, our experts will recommend corrective action
Receive in-depth comments on your manuscript within five business days.
Our experts comment on each section of the manuscript: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. We also comment on the appropriateness of the references cited. The experts assess the following factors in the different sections and you may expect comments related to these:
The Pre-Submission Expert Review service is modeled on the peer reviews provided by journals. Making revisions on your behalf is unfortunately not part of the scope of this service.